The Tarot Review

Posts Tagged ‘Rider Waite Smith

The Crystal Visions Tarot

Posted by: TheReviewer on: April 20, 2012

When I first picked up this deck I assumed, given the title, that it would be a deck heavily involved with crystals and their properties. Not being a lover of such things, I wasn’t anticipating this deck. However, the title merely denotes the gift of clarity of sight that the artist, Jennifer Galasso, wishes upon […]

The Steampunk Tarot

Posted by: TheReviewer on: April 1, 2012

~In which The Reviewer waxes lyrical about being British, Doctor Who, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Jules Verne, various RPGs, Abney Park, and – mostly – the Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore~ [Public service announcement: the following review should be read in a very posh British accent throughout.] Part of the beauty of the […]

The Mary-El Tarot

Posted by: TheReviewer on: March 29, 2012

I’ve waited ten years to hold this beautiful creature of art and mystery in my hands. Ten long years in the making, and here it is at last… and it takes my breath away. It heats up my blood and sends it coursing through me, making the warmth rise in my cheeks and spread down, […]